This morning I arrived in Paris. I got to my hotel and was
just too exited to sleep. Many people would just crash after a red-eye flight
like mine, but not me! When you are traveling to such a place as
Paris, you just can’t wait to see all the wonders. Europe is known for its art and
learning, and I sure am set out to learn as much as I can! The art is just
wonderful here, and I cannot get over the beauty and precision of it all! I am
so happy to be is the capital city of France, living the life of luxury! l wish i could to travel southwest to Spain or east to Germany! I can only do so much in my limited time though! I only have three months to travel to the north, east, south, and west of Europe. That means three weeks per country. I at least want to travel to the Alps and go for a hike and have a picnic with some of my friends, visit the Fifth Republic, and of course see the Eiffel Tower and climb up the 1665 steps to see the wonderful views! I probably won’t see Jean Marc Ayrault, the prime minister. This semi-presidential Government is very interesting and I hope to learn more about it. There are many friendly people here; I have met many new friends. I am destined to meet new friends though, as the population is 2,234,105 people! I have learned a little bit of frech since being here, like "Où se trouve le restaurant le plus proche?" which means, "Where is the nearest restaurant?" and "Merci" which is, "Thank You". I had some trouble with the european euro when i first got here. I traded about twenty dollars and got fifteen dollars ans thiry nine cents in euros. I thought that the money here was weaker and had some trouble realizing it is stronger. Silly me. I hope to learn about the diversity of religion and freedom of beleifs. I want to go boating, golfing, and biking here and attemp to try some of their other activities as well. I want to eat crepes all day, they are so good! France has crepes, which are really thin pancakes, and can be filled wth pretty much anything you want. i am so happy to be here in France and cant wait for more to come! I also found this and felt that i must share it. Did you know that it is illegal to name a pig nepolean in France? I am not certain that this is true, but it was very interesting!

Below is a picture of the Arc de Triomphe. The Arc de Triomphe honors all the soldiers who fought and died in the French Revolutionary war and Napolenic Wars. The tomb of the unknown solider from World War One is also buried underneath it's vault. The construction started in 1806 and it was inaugurated in 1836. 

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    March 2013

