Wow! I am almost finished with my journey through Europe! I am sad to say that but I am absolutely excited to be in Italy. I have always wanted to travel here and can't wait to explore more. I want to explore their ancient remains and beautiful landscape. I am in the capital city, Rome, and am astonished by the Colosseum, the Vatican and many other ancient buildings. Italy borders France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. While here, I saw remains of ancient Romans who were covered in lava and hot ash when Mount Vesuvius erupted. Italy is almost completely surrounded by water. Some of these pieces of water include the Adriatic Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. They have a democracy here in Italy and their president is Silvio Berlosconi. i met my friend Gabby a couple of days ago and she told me that the population here is 
58,126,212. That is a lot for a pretty small country. I learned how to say "Hi my name is Mary. I am from the United States." in Italian. It is "Ciao il mio nome è Maria. Io sono dagli Stati Uniti." The primary religion here is catholic and I am catholic myself, so it is interesting to see Catholicism from the point of view of an Italian. Some of the activities that a done are swimming and soccer. Italy is one of the main producers of olive oil in the world. Along with producing olives and olive oil, Italy produces grapes, potatoes, and wine. In Italy, many of the people are very in to fashion. They love high heels and shiny clothes. They must be up to date in the fashion world. An interesting fact is that Italy produces more grapes than any other country at 8,519,418 tons. 

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    March 2013

