Although I had much fun in Paris, my journey continues to Norway. I am very exited to travel here, as I am part Norwegian. My great grandma was born in Stavanger. I am excited to see the greatly known wildlife, mountains and possibly the northern lights. I will first fly into Oslo, then make my way to Stavanger  One of my great friends is actually half Swedish and I wish I could travel to that neighboring country, but like I said, I am very tight on time. After my visit to Stavanger.  I will make my way to the lofoten islands and the skagerrat strait. I also want to attempt to travel to the Nidaros Cathedral. I want to learn about their parliament and how it works. I want to study their prime minister, Jans Stalkenberg. The population here is about 4,619,849. I also want to learn more about the Norwegian krone. I, again, learned some Norwegian, such as "Takk" which means thank you, and "Vennligst" which means please. Some of the activities i will indulge in include ice skating, fishing, soccer, and skiing. I assume i will intake many carbohydrates, as i will be eating a lot of potato and wheat. I am very greatful to be on this journey, and am happy to be here in Norway. :)

Below is a picture of Stavanger during the day.
Below is another picture of Stavanger at night.
Picture of the Norwegian Krone. 
Norwegian Flag
The beautiful Northern Lights in Norway. Although the northern lights are in many other places, they are absolutely magnificent in Norway. The Northern lights occur when highly charged electrons from the solar wind interact with elements in the earth's atmosphere. This is what makes the beautiful light patterns in the sky. 

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    March 2013

