        Today I went to a Purim celebration in Israel. Many people gave gifts of food and drink to others, showing their belief that they were saved. The Hebrew Bible tells that long ago King Ahasuerus planned to kill many Jews but was stopped be Mordecai and his daughter. People were dressed in beautiful costumes-anything from their god to the ninja turtles! There were many vendors that sold a traditional sweet pastry called Hamantascen. There was lots of music and dancing, and it was clearly a fun day for everyone! 
        During my stay, I met a man named Abrahem. He works in the diamond industry, which relys on imports of uncut diamonds, being that Israel lacks natural resources. He also told me that he pays a lot of income taxes, but does make a fair salary from his democratic country.
        Later I had to say Shalom, which means goodbye in hebrew, and headed to the airport for my next trip to Saudi Arabia. 

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    My name is Meggie Emor and I am very excited to blogging about my journeys around the world!


    May 2013

