My journey continues and I am headed to Kampala, Uganda. It is located at 1 Degree North and 33 Degrees East. I visited the Ruwenzori Mountains and the Nile River. The hilly landscape soon transforms into mountains which cascade into rain forests. The people speak mostly English and Luganda, their main languages. I was headed to the market and went to buy some water, and, i assumed they either spoke English or Luganda. They actually spoke a similar, tribal language. I then realized that there were multiple tribal languages along with the other two. Much like the languages, their are multiple religions. They have many endangered animal parks that contain the rarest animals on earth. Deforestation is hurting the Bambuti and Batwa tribes. Recently, in 2000, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya form the East African community and pledge cooperation. There is currently an argument over cutting down the Mabira rainforest between the president and locals. I am happy to have traveled to the congo basin and am now headed to the desert. 

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    May 2013

